The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) requires that anyone using IDOT rights-of-way obtain a permit for all work. This includes scheduled work and emergency repair work. IDOT also requires that a surety bond be submitted with each permit application to ensure that all work is completed in accordance with State specifications and that the right-of-way is properly restored.
For permit work to be performed by employees of a municipality, a resolution is acceptable in lieu of the surety bond and a request to obtain the necessary permits can be obtained with a telephone call and follow-up application after the emergency work has been completed.
The attached resolution, which guarantees that all work shall be performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by IDOT and to hold the State of Illinois harmless during the prosecution of such work, will be valid for the calendar years 2015 and 2016.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the resolution for maintenance work by Village forces on all Illinois Department of Transportation rights-of-ways.