Item Coversheet

Item: DC#15-070 - Northwest Crossings - 1421/1501 W. Shure Dr. - Sign Variation
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


Proposed Ground Sign

1. A variation to amend a previously approved sign variation, to allow a 360 sf ground sign facing Route 53, where the previously approved sign variation allowed a 163.4 sf ground sign.


2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-121.f, to allow an off-site sign, where signs are required to be located on the same property as the business being advertised.


3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302.a, to allow a second ground sign with a separation distance of approximately 260 feet, where 800 feet of separation is required.  


Proposed Wall Sign

4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402, to allow a wall sign to be located on a wall without street frontage, where street frontage is required.  


5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a, to allow a 75 sf wall sign, where 0 sf if allowed.  




A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on June 23, 2015 where Commissioner Kubow moved and Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded:   


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees for the sign variation request for Northwest Crossings located at 1421 & 1501 W. Shure Drive.  This recommendation is subject to compliance with the plans dated 6/4/15 and received 6/5/15, Federal, State, and Village Codes, regulations, and policies, the issuance of all required permits, and the following conditions:  


1.  A variation to amend a previously approved sign variation, to allow a 360 sf ground sign facing Route 53, where the previously approved sign variation allowed a 163.4 sf ground sign.


2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-121.f, to allow an off-site sign, where signs are required to be located on the same property as the business being advertised.


3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302.a, to allow a second ground sign with a separation distance of approximately 260 feet, where 800 feet of separation is required.


4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-402, to allow a wall sign to be located on a wall without street frontage, where street frontage is required.


5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-403.a, to allow a 75 sf wall sign, where 0 sf if allowed.


6. A recommendation that the signage size for both 'Tenant 1' and 'Tenant 2' and for 'Northwest Crossings' be increased from 6' tall by 20' wide, to 8' tall by 24' wide.


7. All ground signs on the Northwest Crossings site be restricted to monument style signs only, with a maximum of 10-feet in height.


8. Landscaping for the monument sign to be approved by Staff, and not block the view of the monument sign.


A motion was made by Commissioner Kubow and seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald, to amend the motion to add the following:


9. A clarification to modify Item No. 6, that the recommended sign wall areas for 'Tenant 1', 'Tenant 2', and 'Northwest Crossings' be increased from 6' tall by 20' wide, to 10' tall by 24' wide.


10. The 'Tenant 1' sign and 'Tenant 2' sign areas be limited to 200 SF each, and that the 'Northwest Crossings' sign area be limited to 100 SF, for a total sign area of 500 SF, which is equivalent to the precedent set at the former Honeywell site.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Fitzgerald, Bombick, Kubow, and Chairman Eckhardt voted in favor.  The motion carried.

Bid Section

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