Item Coversheet

Item: Cisco Switches
Department: Village Manager's Office



The current FY2015 budget ending 12/31/15 provides for the purchase of Village network switches. The existing Cisco Catalyst 4507-R core computer network switch located at the Village Hall was purchased in 2005 and is reaching the manufacturer's "end-of-life" status this year. This core computer network switch is the backbone of the Village network and interconnects all remote sites:  Police, Public Works, Senior Center, Fire and Northwest Central Dispatch. 


Staff has bid out the purchase of two smaller Cisco Catalysts 4506-E switches to replace the existing larger core computer network switch. This will ensure proper network functionality and improve network speed. The life expectancy for these switches is 10 to 12 years.


Bids for the following item were duly advertised and publicly opened on the date indicated. The bids are:

Vendor                                                 Total Price

Meridian Group                               $75,244.04

Deerfield, IL


AIP VS, LLC                                    $80,061.64

Livingston, NJ


Insight Inc.                                     $86,060.30

Tempe, AZ


Staff has budgeted $75,000 for this project. The low bid is $244.04 over the budgeted amount. There is sufficient funding in the account to cover the slight overage.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the purchase of two Cisco 4506-E switches for a cost of $75,244.04 from Meridian Group, Deerfield, IL.  Meridian Group has met specifications and has been a responsible vendor to the Village in the past.

Bid Section

Item:Cisco Switches
Bid Opening Date:June 10, 2015
Account Numbers:401-0601-572-5015 EQ0103
Total Budget for Specific Item:$75,000
Bid Amount:$75,244.04