In early 2015, the Public Works Department began an initiative to consolidate frequently ordered items to simplify purchasing and to maximize purchasing value through a public bid. By consolidating these items, Public Works can use the economies of scale to receive lower prices. These frequently ordered items can be broken down into broad categories which include: janitorial supplies, personal protective equipment, small tools, and general maintenance materials. This initiative has come to be known throughout the Department as central purchasing.
The first category of items affected by central purchasing was the janitorial supply list. The janitorial supply list is comprised of 86 items that cover commonly used materials and equipment that range from brooms to paper products and hand soaps. These items are used by all of the units at Public Works to complete assorted tasks throughout Municipally-owned buildings.
Specifications were prepared, advertised, and distributed to local janitorial supply firms. On June 10th, 2015, bids from Central Poly Corp., Titan Supply Inc., Monks, Clean and Shine Inc., United Laboratories, Meyer Laboratories Inc., HP Products, Kranz, Inc., Superior Industrial Supply, and Bade Paper Products were opened and publicly read. Bids were awarded for per item unit pricing and can be viewed on the attached document. Bid awards per vendor are listed below:
· Monks Clean and Shine - $564.88
· United Laboratories – $333.00
· Meyer Laboratories - $3,351.95
· HP Products - $16,765.50
· Kranz, Inc. - $2,139.76
· Superior Industrial Supply - $3,842.78
· Bade Paper Products - $4,034.07
Staff recommends awarding the contracts to these seven vendors based on their unit price bid per item as set forth on the attached bid summary.The total value of the initial purchase is $31,031.94.
Staff checked references with all of the lowest bidders. All reference checks were favorable and Staff believes the winning vendors will successfully fulfill their orders.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid for janitorial supplies as set forth on the attached bid summary to Monks Clean and Shine of Schaumburg, IL, United Laboratories of St. Charles, IL, Meyer Laboratories of Blue Springs, MO, HP Products of Indianapolis, IN, Kranz of Racine, WI, Superior Industrial Supply of Niles, IL, and Bade Paper Supply of Wheeling, IL. After the initial purchase, Staff intends to continue purchasing these items, as needed, up to the approved budget for janitorial supplies. These vendors have been determined to be responsible and their bids meet specifications.