Item Coversheet

Item: Settlement - Lovi v. Village of Arlington Heights
Department: Legal/Police

At the July 6, 2015 Closed Session, the Village Board authorized settlement in the case of Lovi v. Village of Arlington Heights, et al.  The lawsuit revolves around the removal of Mr. Lovi’s weapons from his house by the Police Department after they received a phone call from his psychologist. The psychologist informed the Police Department that Mr. Lovi had made a threat against another doctor. Eventually, the Department returned the weapons to Mr. Lovi. 


Settlement was reached in the amount of $185,000, which is consistent with the authority given by the Board. Of the settlement amount, Mr. Lovi will receive $10,000 and the remaining amount will be paid to Mr. Lovi's attorneys. It should be noted that Mr. Lovi's attorneys original fee petition was approximately $250,000. The Village admits no liability on the part of the Village or any of its police officers with this settlement.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the settlement in the case of Lovi v. Village of Arlington Heights in the amount of $185,000, to be distributed as $10,000 to Mr. Lovi and $175,000 to his attorneys and no admission of liability on the part of the Village or any of its police officers.

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