Item Coversheet

Item: Change order J.Gill and Company for North Parking Garage restriping and traffic marking change order
Department: Planning & Community Development

On June 15, 2015 the Village Board authorized entering into a contract with Carl Walker, Inc. to perform a conceptual review and feasibility study for possible expansion of the Village’s North Parking garage. The overall objective of the conceptual review and feasibility study is to evaluate the structural feasibility of a vertical expansion, possible horizontal expansion, evaluation of conceptual parking concepts, and development of project cost estimates for each option. The first part of the scope of the work was to evaluate the existing striping plan as it relates to the roof of the garage as well as the remainder of the levels.  Currently, maintenance work is being performed on the roof of the garage and the roof will need to be re-striped in the next couple of weeks.


Carl Walker has performed this analysis and provided concepts that illustrate re-striping of the roof of the garage with the west/east aisles having spaces with a width of 8’ 6” versus the current 9’ width.  The spaces on the north/south aisles would remain at 9’ wide due to existing column spacing limiting the ability to reduce stall width. By accomplishing a restriping, ten additional spaces can be accommodated on the roof of the garage.  To build new spaces, each space typically costs approximately $25,000 per space.  Within the current contract for maintenance work with J. Gill and Company, restriping of the existing parking lot layout is included in the bid.  With this new parking lot striping plan, the Village requested a cost proposal for a change order for J. Gill and Company.  A change order is needed in order to shot blast and scarify off all existing traffic markings, layout level four traffic markings in accordance with Carl Walker’s plan and paint new traffic markings including all spaces, and handicap designations.  J. Gill and Company has provided a change order cost proposal in the amount of $11,500 for this work. As outlined in prior reports, the North Parking garage is at or beyond capacity from a demand perspective. Additional businesses and other customers requesting to park in the North Garage cannot be accommodated.   


Funds are available in the Parking Fund budget project #BL1520, $80,000 is budgeted in this account. The Carl Walker Inc. cost proposal for their scope of work is currently under budget by $50,626, or $38,826 under budget if geotechnical soil testing is necessary as part of their scope of work. Therefore, there are sufficient funds within this budget item to accommodate the restriping of the roof of the garage.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a change order with J. Gill and Company in the amount of $11,500 funded from account 235-7101-571-5020 project BL1520 from the Village Parking Fund. 

Bid Section

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Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
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