The approved budget for the Fiscal Period ending December 31, 2015 includes $19,000 for the purchase of an Asphalt Tack Distributor. This distributor is a tack machine on a trailer that is used to apply heated primer to existing asphalt or aggregate base in preparation for new asphalt. This equipment will enhance our in-house paving program as it improves the bond between new asphalt and the existing road base.
We are purchasing this piece of equipment through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA). The NJPA is a municipal contracting agency for over 40,000 members throughout the nation with competitively awarded contract purchasing solutions through industry leading vendors. The Village has been a member of the NJPA for several years and has successfully made several purchases through this program.
Leeboy has won the NJPA Contract and offers the Leeboy L250T Asphalt Tack Distributor through the local vendor Casey Equipment of Arlington Heights, at an amount not-to-exceed $19,097. Although the cost of the equipment is slightly over budget, the overall Public Works Operational Equipment Budget has sufficient funds to cover the purchase.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of a Leeboy L250T Asphalt Tack Distributor to Casey Equipment of Arlington Heights, IL in an amount not-to-exceed $19,097.