Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution Approving Agreement with IDOT - Dundee Road Improvements between Wilke and Kennicott
Department: Engineering/Legal



In 2013, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) approached the Village with a proposed intersection improvement project for Illinois Route 68 (Dundee Rd) from Wilke Road to Kennicott Avenue. IL 68 (Dundee Rd) will be resurfaced, will receive new curbs, and will incorporate the Village requested raised landscaped medians along applicable sections of the roadway. As part of the improvements, the intersection of IL 68 (Dundee Rd) and Wilke Road will have upgraded traffic signals and lighting, including pedestrian walk signals. The intersection of IL 68 (Dundee Rd) and Kennicott Avenue will also have new traffic signals and lighting, including pedestrian walk signals. There will also be a new right turn lane for eastbound IL 68 (Dundee Rd) vehicles turning right onto southbound Kennicott Avenue.


During the project scoping process, the Village requested that a 10-foot wide multi-use path be included in the project along the north side of IL 68 (Dundee Road) through the project limits. Unfortunately, the design engineer was unable to provide a complete path. The section at the existing Arlington Nissan driveway is to remain at 5’ wide due to driveway slope restrictions.


The attached joint agreement with IDOT identifies cost and maintenance responsibilities between IDOT and the Village.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution approving an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for improvements on Illinois Route 68 between Wilke Road and Kennicott Avenue.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
IDOT - Funding - Dundee Road ImprovementsResolution
IDOT - Dundee Road Improvements - North Wilke to KennicottAgreement