Item Coversheet

Item: T-Mobile - 1000 S. Arlington Heights Rd. - PC#15-003
Department: Planning & Community Development



A Special Use Permit for a Wireless Antenna Tower. 


The Plan Commission recommended approval of a 75 foot high monopole antenna subject to the conditions listed below. Condition #3 states that “Prior to Village Board consideration, provide a letter from the Northwest Central Dispatch (NWCD) indicating that the proposed frequencies are compatible with Village and other public and private telecommunication frequencies.” The petitioner has submitted a majority of the information to NWCD, with the exception of certain requirements such as construction drawings and intermodal study. The petitioner was informed by the NWCD that it could take at least two weeks to obtain the letter.  Therefore, staff is recommending that the Village Board review this request at this time and require that the letter be submitted to the Village prior to permit issuance.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on July 22, 2015 where Commissioner Drost moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#15-003, a Special Use Permit for a wireless antenna tower. This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations detailed in the Staff Development Committee Report dated July 16, 2015:


1. The landscaping screening shall be installed completely on private property, subject to Village approval.


2. The number of platforms/carries allowed on the antenna will be limited to two.  The installation of additional platforms will require a Special Use Permit amendment.


3. Prior to Village Board consideration, provide a letter from the Northwest Central Dispatch indicating that the proposed frequencies are compatible with Village and other public and private telecommunication frequencies.


4. Prior to receiving a permit, submit any required State or Federal approvals.


5. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Drost, Ennes, Green, Jensen and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Commissioner Sigalos voted against.  The motion carried.

Bid Section

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PC Staff Report 7/22/15Board or Commission Report
PC Minutes 7/22/15 DRAFTMinutes
PC Staff Report 5/13/15Board or Commission Report
PC Minutes 5/13/15Minutes
Key Issues Post 1st PC Hearing & CorrespondenceCorrespondence
Location MapExhibits
Plan Set - RevisedExhibits
Coverage Plot - RevisedExhibits
Photo SimulationsExhibits
Special Use JustificationCorrespondence
Department CommentsCorrespondence
Petitioner Response to Department CommentsCorrespondence
T-Mobile Other Locations - HeightExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerCorrespondence