The Public Works Department contracts out the hauling and delivery of debris, aggregate, and when necessary, the removal of snow. The aggregate materials included in this bid are used for various street, sewer and watermain repairs. The semi-dump truck is used to haul snow, street sweepings, debris, excavated materials and building demolition debris to disposal sites on an as-needed basis. The lowboy trailer truck is used to haul Village-owned equipment throughout the Village and to out of town repair facilities on an as-needed basis. Rental of these trucks on an as-needed basis is more cost effective than owning and operating the units.
The bid sheets are broken down into four divisions: Division A includes unit prices for trucking of various materials such as sand and stone commonly used in bulk by Public Works. Division B includes unit prices for trucking services such as hauling debris and lowboy transportation of vehicles. Division C contains unit prices for trucking services related to snow removal. Division D contains unit prices for tipping fees at a landfill commonly associated with material disposal.
The specifications were written so each of the four Divisions could be bid separately and a bidder’s pricing on one Division cannot be contingent on their award for any of the other three Divisions. However, the Village does allow for discount opportunities if the vendor is awarded more than one Division.
Staff analyzed the bid submittals and made contact with each of the apparent low bidders to confirm a clear understanding of the specifications. For purposes of this bid, quantities are estimated.
Specifications and plans were prepared, advertised and distributed to local trucking companies. On July 22nd four bids were opened and publically read aloud.
Staff checked references on the lowest responsive bidders: CC Cartage and KLF Enterprises. References were favorable and Staff believes both firms have the ability to perform the work as specified satisfactorily.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a three year contract for Furnishing of Aggregate Materials, Trucking and Disposal of Debris for Division A, B, and D to CC Cartage of Lake Zurich IL, who is the lowest responsible unit price bidder for those items. It is also recommended that the Village Board award a three year contract for trucking and hauling of snow for Division C to KLF Enterprises of Markham, IL, who is the lowest responsible unit price bidder for those items. All purchases within the FY15B budget year will not exceed a total amount of $716,600.