Day Go Dog & Za Restaurant located at 5 W. Campbell Street has submitted an application for outdoor dining on the public sidewalk along the frontage of Campbell Street in front of their restaurant.
Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.2 allows the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria. Because this request is to use public sidewalk, which requires a License Agreement, review and approval by the Village Board is required.
The request from Day Go Dog & Za Restaurant is in accordance with the more relaxed requirements approved by the Village Board in May 2014. Day Go Dog & Za Restaurant is delineating the dining area through the use of planters/fencing with openings that allow for a shared walkway for pedestrians, restaurants, and patrons.
The application has been reviewed by the appropriate departments and either meets or will meet all requirements. Day Go Dog & Za Restaurant has provided the appropriate insurance provisions and signed the License Agreement.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the License Agreement with Day Go Dog & Za Restaurant outdoor dining request.