Item Coversheet

Item: Influenza Vaccine
Department: Health Services

The Village nursing staff has historically provided influenza vaccinations to the community.  These vaccinations have to be pre-ordered per the manufacturers restrictions.  The Village is a member of the Illinois Public Health Association Consortium, which conducts a bid process to obtain the lowest price for influenza vaccine for its members.  


We have ordered 400 doses of Fluzone Quadrivalent Influenza Virus Vaccine at $15.13 per dose, 400 doses of Fluarix Quadrivalent Influenza Virus Vaccine at $15.30 per dose, and 10 doses of FluMist Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Live, Intranasal Spray at $22.95 per dose, and 10 doses of Fluzone Quadrivalent Influenza Virus Vaccine (single-dose vials) at $15.88 per dose, from FFF Enterprises, Inc. for a total of $13,176. 


The Village is compensated for this expense, as fees of $25 per dose are charged for influenza vaccine.



It is requested that the Board waive competitive bidding for the purchase of 820 doses of influenza vaccine from FFF Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $13,176 as bid through the Illinois Public Health Association Consortium.  Funds are available in account number 101-4502-523-33.10, Project Number WE9702.  

Bid Section

Item:Influenza Vaccine
Bid Opening Date:N/A - Requesting bid waiver
Account Numbers:101-4502-523-33.10
Total Budget for Specific Item:$20,700
Bid Amount:$13,176