The Village currently has two Letters of Agreement with Catholic Charities relating to the use of space at the Senior Center - one to house the Agency’s case coordination unit and one for their congregate meals program. This is a request for approval of one new agreement covering the services of the existing two agreements, as well as the addition of the Meals on Wheels program.
This action was prompted by the upcoming award of federal funds to operate these programs to Catholic Charities effective October 1, 2015. Federal funding for senior services are awarded based on townships, not municipalities. Title IIIB funds were awarded to Catholic Charities’ Senior Services Northwest for case management services for the townships of Wheeling, Palatine, Hanover and Barrington. Title IIIC funds were awarded to Catholic Charities’ Community Development and Outreach for the federally funded Meals on Wheels programs covering Wheeling and Maine Townships as well as Congregate Dining.
Previously, Community Nutrition Network had operated the federally funded Meals on Wheels program covering Wheeling Township. Due to the new award of federal funds for this service area, CNN will no longer operate the program effective October 1, 2015.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the Resolution Approving an Agreement with Catholic Charities concerning the use of space at the Senior Center.