1. Special Use Permit for a Public Elementary School in the R-3, One-Family Dwelling District.
2. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.4, Schedule of Parking Requirements from the requirement to provide 167 parking spaces to allow 49 spaces, a variation of 118 spaces.
3. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-3.6 Required Minimum Yards from the required 16.5 feet side yard setback to allow 16 feet for the existing building.
4. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-3.6 Required Minimum Yards from the required from the required 16.5 feet exterior side setback to allow 12 feet for the existing building.
A public hearing was held on September 9, 2015 where Commissioner Green moved and Chairman Lorenzini seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC #15-015, a Special Use Permit for a public elementary school in the R-3, one-family dwelling district; a variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.4, schedule of parking requirements, from the requirement to provide 167 spaces to allow 49 spaces, a variation of 118 spaces; a variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-3.6, required minimum yards from the required 16.5 feet side yard setback to allow 16 feet for the existing building; and a variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-3.6, required minimum yards, from the required 16.5 feet exterior side yard setback to allow 12 feet for the existing building.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated September 3, 2015:
1. Consistent with the Design Commission recommendation, the quantity of the landscaping along the south property line adjacent to the classroom addition and gymnasium addition must be doubled.
2. Prior to Village Board, provide a revised landscaping plan addressing Design Commission and staff comments.
3. At building permit, the Petitioner shall provide revised civil and stormwater plans verifying the changes agreed to by the Petitioner.
4. The Petitioner shall comply with all federal, state and Village codes, regulations and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Green, Sigalos and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor. Commissioners Warskow and Jensen voted no. Motion carried.