The fiscal budget ending December 31, 2015 includes $31,000 for the purchase of four portable vehicle lifts used by the Fleet Services Unit of Public Works. These lifts are used to elevate trucks and equipment off the ground to allow for maintenance and repair services. It usually requires two lifts per axle and a minimum of four per truck, dependent on the weight.The current lifts are 20 years old and will be rotated into a backup role for working on larger Fire equipment.
All manufacturers have recently increased their standard capacity in this category from 60,000 to 72,000 lbs. This resulted in an increase in price that was not anticipated in our budget. Although this item's budget is exceeded, Staff is confident our Capital Expense Budget for Fleet can accommodate the overage.
National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference and offers a bidding service to local agencies. Stertil Koni won the public bid for mobile lifts. The total price for four mobile lifts with accessories is $34,990.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid to Stertil Koni of Stevensville, Maryland in the amount of $34,990 for the purchase of four Mobile Lifts with accessories, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary contracts.