Item Coversheet

Item: Comprehensive Plan Update - PC#14-020
Department: Planning & Community Development



Over the past 11 months the Comprehensive Plan SubCommittee has reviewed and developed an update to the Village's Comprehensive Plan. The plan includes new sections such as Historic Preservation, Corridors, and Sustainability. In addition, several amendments to the Land Use Map are recommended. To assist the Subcommittee in developing the draft Plan, the Village conducted a Village wide survey online to gauge the importance of certain planning related issues, with over 530 persons responding.






A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 26, 2015 where Commissioner Warskow moved and Commissioner Dawson seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-020, the Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Warskow, Dawson, Jensen, Ennes, Green, Drost, Sigalos, Cherwin and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 26, 2015 where Commissioner Sigalos moved and Commissioner Drost seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-020, the 2015 Comprehensive Plan.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Sigalos, Drost, Cherwin, Dawson, Ennes, Green Jensen, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.  


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Staff MemoMemorandum
Park District Reservation Request Withdrawal LetterCorrespondence
PC Minutes 8/26/15Minutes
Comp Plan Draft AExhibits
Comp Plan Draft BExhibits
Comp Plan Draft CExhibits
Comp Plan Draft DExhibits
Comp Plan Draft EExhibits
Land Use Map Proposed AmendmentsExhibits
Survey ResultsExhibits
Park District Park Site Reservation RequestExhibits
St. Viator Objection to Park District Park Site Reservation RequestCorrespondence
SD 214 Objection Letter to Park Site ReservationsAgreement
Christian Liberty Objection Letter to Park District ReservationAgreement