Each fall for the last 11 years, the Public Works Department has rented two street sweepers to compliment the three street sweepers owned by the Village. These sweepers are added to the fleet for the later part of October, the month of November, and the early part of December to augment our sweeping efforts during the peak leaf season. This program has been extremely effective and the approved budget period ending December 31, 2015 includes funds for two rental sweepers.
The only firm presently renting sweepers without operators is Standard Equipment Company of Chicago, Illinois. Two other area companies only rent sweepers with their operators at an hourly rate. Based upon our research and past experiences, it is much more cost effective to rent the sweeper without an operator, than to pay the hourly rate for a sweeper with an operator. Additionally, renting the sweeper without an operator and utilizing our Staff to drive the vehicle provides the Village much greater flexibility with regard to scheduling and hours of operation. Renting two sweepers for a couple of months continues to be more cost effective than buying additional sweepers and having them under utilized during part of the year.
The current approved Operating Budget includes a total of $242,600 for equipment rental for Public Works. This proposal provides for the rental of two sweepers for an eight week period for a total cost of $34,100.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive the competitive bidding requirements and authorize Staff to rent two street sweepers from Standard Equipment Company of Chicago, Illinois for a cost of $34,100. Funding for this expenditure will be charged to Account 101-7101-531.21-36.