Item Coversheet

Item: Repairs to John Deere End Loader
Department: Public Works



The Public Works Department currently has a John Deere Rubber-Tired End Loader used primarily at the Village Annex facility for loading trucks and moving material. 


On August 25th, this loader was damaged while an employee was performing a work task at the Village Annex site. This incident resulted in damage to the ladder, cab structure and windows. This unit was transported to Westside Tractor Sales of Chicago for analysis and estimated repair costs. Westside Tractor is the local John Deere Authorized Dealer for Northern Illinois. The estimated repair costs are $25,516.66. By allowing Westside Tractor Sales to perform all repair work, the costs and down time for the repair will be minimized. This piece of equipment will be needed very soon for our upcoming leaf sweeping operations.


The Fleet Fund Maintenance account has sufficient funds to cover these expenditures in account 621-7501-551-2107.  Staff recommends approving the repair with Westside Tractor Sales to perform all necessary work on the John Deere End Loader.




It is recommended that the Village Board waive the bidding procedure and authorize payment of $25,516.66 to Westside Tractor Sales of Chicago, Illinois to perform the above described repair work to the John Deere End Loader.  

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: