Item Coversheet

Item: Non-Chloride Liquid Deicer Contract
Department: Public Works



The Village Board awarded a contract to Wellspring Management for non-chloride liquid deicer on January 20, 2015.  Non-chloride liquid deicer is used to enhance our ice control operations on the Village's three elevated parking garages.  This liquid deicer is used as a wetting agent to enhance granular application and as pre-wet application to minimize ice bond to the parking garage decks. 


The Village has not permitted the use of chlorides on the parking garages due to its corrosive effect on the structural steel embedded within the concrete.


Wellspring Management was the lowest responsible bidder in the public bid held  on December 9, 2014. The initial contract is for one year with an optional one-year extension. Wellspring Management has agreed to the one-year extension at the original bid price.  Staff has been very pleased with the performance and delivery of the product.


Staff recommends proceeding with a one-year contract extension, per Village policy, at the original bid price of $3.975 per gallon of non-chloride liquid deicer. 




It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year contract extension for non-chloride liquid deicer to Wellspring Management of Oak Park, Illinois in an amount of $3.975 per gallon.

Bid Section

Item:Non-Chloride Liquid Deicer Contract
Bid Opening Date:December 9, 2014
Account Numbers:235-7301-532.31-90, 235-7302-532.31-90, 235-7303-532.31-90
Total Budget for Specific Item:$60,900
Bid Amount:$3.975 per gallon