The fiscal budget for the period ending December 31, 2015 includes $176,000 for the replacement of four Skid Steer Loaders for various Units within the Public Works Department.
A public bid opening was held on October 7th and nine bids were publicly read aloud. The pricing is as follows:
BIDDER Skid Steer Loaders and Attachments
McAllister $139,371 (not in accordance with specs)
Burris Equipment $140,305
McCann $141,100
Buck Brothers $153,136
Atlas $153,403
West Side $153,870
Casey $157,935
Martin Implement $160,956
Patten $183,554
The bid from McAllister was not in compliance with the bid specifications; therefore it is recommended that their bid be rejected.
The Capital Improvement Budget was based on replacement of four skid steers with attachments. After further review by the Public Works Fleet Unit, it was determined that only three skid steers need to be replaced at this time, and one will be re-evaluated in three years. The pricing on three skid steers with three attachments from compliant bidders ranges from $140,305 to $183,554 with a 31% spread from lowest to highest. The total budget for three skid steers is $132,000. The total bid award recommendation of $140,305 is $8,305 over the budget. The Vehicle Replacement Account budget can accommodate this overage.
Staff recommends awarding the skid steer loaders with attachments bid to the lowest compliant bidder, Burris Equipment of Ingleside, IL. Staff has had past experience with Burris Equipment and found their service acceptable.
It is recommended that the Village Board reject the bid from McAllister as non-compliant and award the bid to Burris Equipment of Ingleside, llinois for the purchase of three skid steer loaders with attachments in the amount not-to-exceed $140,305 and authorize Staff to execute necessary documents.