The Village Board awarded a year one contract to Fleck's Landscaping for Ash Tree Stump Removal and Restoration on August 4, 2014. The award was based on the results of a public bid opening held on July 15, 2014. The contract was for three years with three optional one-year extensions. The contract was designed to aid Public Works' crews in the removal of the stumps left behind from a EAB removal. Ash trees continue to be removed by two contractors and in-house personnel. To date, 928 ash trees have been removed this year.
Staff has been very pleased with Fleck's Landscaping's performance, cooperation and flexibility of scheduling. This contractual assistance has allowed Staff to become more efficient and focused on tree removals, leaving the stumps and restoration for the subcontractor.
Staff is recommending the award of years two and three of the contract for Ash Tree Stump Removal and Landscape Restoration to Fleck's Landscaping, per Village policy, and per the original bid award. This contract will be effective until April 30, 2017. The unit price for 2016 will not increase and is per the original bid price of $7.90 per inch diameter.
It is recommended that the Village Board award years two and three of the contract for Ash Tree Stump Removal and Landscape Restoration to Fleck's Landscaping of Wheeling, Illinois, per the original bid award. It is understood that this extension is contingent on the Village Board's approval of the 2016 EAB Budget.