The current FY2015 budget ending 12/31/15 provides for the replacement of Village computer servers. The Village computer server replacement program is designed to meet existing and new technology demands. Computer servers are refreshed on a five year cycle to provide a balance between cost and reliability. Three of the existing computer servers located at the Village Hall were manufactured in 2009 and are no longer covered under a manufacturer’s warranty. These computer servers host virtual applications that are utilized on a daily basis by local and remote users.
Bids for the following item were duly advertised and publicly opened on the date indicated:
Vendor Total Price
GHA Technologies $37,260.78
Bartlett, IL
Dell Marketing LP $37,389.15
Livingston, NJ
SHI International $39,348.00
Somerset, NJ
Better Direct LLC $40,098.30
Tempe, AZ
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the purchase of three Dell R630 servers for a cost of $37,260.78 from GHA Technologies, Bartlett, IL. GHA Technologies has meet specifications and has been a responsible vendor to the Village in the past.