Item Coversheet

Item: Groves Ready Rack Hose Washer
Department: Fire

Bids for a Groves Ready Rack 240 Volt Hose Washer were duly advertised and publicly opened on the date indicated.




                                                                                         Total Price

Equipment Management Company, Channahon, IL                   $11,480

W.S. Darley & Company, Itasca, IL                                         $11,500

Air One Equipment, Inc., South Elgin, IL                                 $11,995




While Equipment Management Company of Channahon, Illinois provided the lowest bid.  However, they failed to deliver on a purchase order in 2009 and the Fire Department has had no recent experience with the company.  Also, Staff was not able to reach any references with the contact information provided by the company.  The second lowest bidder, W.S. Darley, is well known to Staff and has been a reliable vendor.  The company also provided good, current references.




It is recommended that the Board reject the bid of Equipment Management Company as not being in the best interests of the Village and authorize the purchase of a Groves Ready Rack 240 Volt Hose Washer from W.S. Darley and Company for a total of $11,500.  The vendor has been determined to be a responsible vendor and meets specifications.



Bid Section

Item:Groves Ready Rack 240 Volt Hose Washer
Bid Opening Date:October 14, 2015
Account Numbers:401-3501-572.50-15
Total Budget for Specific Item:$14,000
Bid Amount:$11,500