1. A Land Use Variation to allow Motor Vehicle Repair, Major in the M-1 district.
2. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(3) Traffic Engineering Approval, to waive the requirement for a traffic study and parking analysis from a Certified Traffic Engineer.
A public hearing was held on October 28, 2015 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#15-004, a Land Use Variation to permit Motor Vehicle Repair Major, in the M-1 zoning district; and a variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1 (3) to waive a formal traffic study and parking analysis.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the following conditions detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated October 22, 2015:
1. A new 10 foot tall vinyl solid fence shall be required along the perimeter of the site per Exhibit A (site plan).
2. Landscaping shall be installed at the front of the building as illustrated on the floor / site plan.
3. The petitioner shall repair, fill and patch potholes and cracks in the storage lot.
4. The petitioner shall stripe parking spaces along rear of the building to accommodate employees, estimated at 5 employees.
5. An MWRD permit may be required for the sanitary system grease trap in order to conform with an automotive use.
6. Junkyards, vehicle compactors/crushers, and painting of vehicles are specifically prohibited.
7. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00am until 6:00pm Monday to Friday, and 8:00am to 12:00pm Saturday.
8. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State and Village regulations and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Green, Sigalos, Cherwin, Dawson, Drost, Ennes, Jensen, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor. Motion carried.