1. Amendment to PUD Ordinances 12-006, 12-039 and 14-025 to allow modifications to the approved Arlington Downs development plan.
2. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-22.1, Conditions of Use from the required 15 foot setback for parking lots along Rohlwing Road to allow 10 feet for the parking area, north of Building D1.
3. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.4, Schedule of Parking Requirements from the required 2,526 spaces to allow 2,028 spaces.
A public hearing was held on October 28, 2015 where Commissioner Warskow moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#15-020, an amendment to PUD Ordinances 12-006, 12-039 and 14-025 to allow modifications to the approved Arlington Downs development plan as follows:
- Repeal Ordinance #12-006, Section Six, which granted conceptual approval for restaurants, a drive through bank and drive through pharmacy.
- Repeal Ordinance #12-006, Section Nine: General Condition #5 which granted conceptual approval for future restaurants.
- Repeal Ordinance #12-006, Section Nine: General Condition # 7 which limited the amount of non sales and food and beverage tax generators.
- Repeal Ordinance 12-039 Section Two, #1b regarding the current requirement for a right turn lane on Rohlwing Road.
- Conceptual approval for the following:
"Up to 26,825 square feet of indoor restaurant space and 6,400 square feet of outdoor restaurant space in Zones A, D and E combined, subject to further evaluation of parking during the Special Use process.”
And variations to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-22.1, Conditions of Use from the required 15 foot setback for parking lots along Rohlwing Road to allow 10 feet for the parking area north of Building D1; and Chapter 28, Section 11.4, Schedule of Parking Requirements from the required 2,526 spaces to allow 2,028 spaces.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the following conditions detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated October 22, 2015:
1. No more than 15,000 SF of medical office is permitted in Zone D and E combined and no more than 21,600 SF of medical office is permitted for all zones.
2. No more than 20,000 SF of non-sales tax / food and beverage tax generators shall be allowed in Zones D and E combined.
3. The petitioner shall install a right hand turn lane from southbound Rohlwing Road to westbound Euclid Avenue as part of Phase 2 (hotel and water park), or with Phase 3, 4 or 5 if any of those phases precede Phase 2. Implementation may occur at a later phase, or not required at all, if agreed upon by both the Village of Arlington Heights and the City of Rolling Meadows.
4. The entry feature / sign at Euclid and Rohlwing Roads will require separate review by staff prior to issuance of a permit.
5. Developer shall grant an easement, if necessary, along Euclid Avenue to accommodate a portion of the proposed bike path.
6. All restaurants and child day care will require Special Use approval.
7. The landscape plan shall be revised prior to Village Board consideration to address comments dated October 21, 2015 attached as Exhibit A.
8. Compliance with the Design Commission motion of September 9, 2015.
9. Compliance with all Federal, State and Village policies and regulations.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Warskow, Sigalos, Cherwin, Dawson, Drost, Ennes, Green, Jensen and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor. Motion carried.