Item Coversheet

Item: Downtown Streets: Engineering Consultant Feasibility Study
Department: Planning & Community Development


The Village Board approved $35,000 in FY 2015B for engineering consulting services for the following downtown streets:


1) An evaluation of the geometric design of Evergreen Avenue from Sigwalt Street to Campbell Street to determine if the traffic lane geometrics can be modified to allow for more on street parking, a pedestrian mid block crossing, and modifications to the sidewalk in front of 77 S. Evergreen, all to make this block segment more pedestrian oriented;

2) An evaluation to provide a mid block pedestrian crossing along Dunton Avenue between Sigwalt Street and Campbell Street;

3) An evaluation to provide a mid block pedestrian crossing along Campbell Street near Highland Avenue.


Request for Proposals


The Village solicited a request for proposals (RFP) for engineering services from several firms. The RFP scope of services was broken down into three phases:


Phase 1: Feasibility Study/Conceptual Design:


Phase 2: Construction Bid Document Preparation:


Phase 3: Construction Administration/Oversight:


The first phase would be completed and then an update provided to the Board.  Depending on the results of Phase 1, the Board would then determine if any or all of the recommendations should move forward to Phase 2. This decision would be based on which concepts are feasible and desired and the cost estimate for the various options.  If the Board decides not to move forward then the project would terminate and not progress to Phase 2 or 3.


Selection Process


There were three proposals submitted and reviewed by the Planning Department, Engineering Department and the Public Works Department.  All three firms are well regarded by Staff and all three address the scope of services. The following lists the firms and their bid cost proposal with the number of work hours in parens:                                                     Phase 1           Phase 2           Phase 3        Total

Hampton Lenzini

  and Renwick, Inc. $10,534(94)     $17,356(145)   $10,795(84)     $38,685 (323)


KLOA/Spaceco     $13,680 (119)  $26,550 (202)   $23,920 (166)  $64,150 (487)


Civiltech $50,622 (470) $25,022 (220)    $14,431 (130)   $90,075 (820)


Staff recommends the low bid submitted by Hampton Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. Their response provides the required level of review and analysis to move the project forward and is the most cost effective response.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into a contract with Hampton Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. for $38,685 with direction to proceed with Phase 1 only for $10,534, to be funded from Acct #401-4001-571.50-30. If the Board proceeds with Phase 2 at a later date then a budget amendment will be required.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: