The Village received six responses to our Refuse Contract Request for Proposals (RFP) on October 23rd. The respondents were:
- Groot Industries
- Flood Brothers
- Lakeshore Recycling Systems
- Advanced Disposal
- Republic Services
- Waste Management
Unlike a regular bid process, an RFP process involves reviewing a variety of factors including each firm’s experience, service philosophy, and unique capabilities, as well proposed costs. Much information has been reviewed for each firm under consideration. Price negotiation also can occur as part of the process before a final decision is made. Our RFP called for the firms to respond with their pricing and approach for service alternatives that mirrored the Groot proposal. In other words, we sought proposals for Once a Week, Twice a Week, and Twice a Week Optional service alternatives, with the same minimum Village services, and discounts, etc. and possible enhancements. We also mandated that future increases be pegged to the CPI.
Four of the firms were asked to come in for interviews. After meeting with each firm, Staff encouraged each firm to respond to any questions on service differences and to give us their final and best offer.
After the interview process, the firm with the best overall pricing and service proposal was Groot Industries, the Village’s incumbent provider.
Their updated proposal included the following pricing:
Alternative 1- Twice Per Week Refuse Collection:
Curbside: 15.75 per month
Backdoor: $30.00
Refuse Cart Rental: $2.50 per month
Alternative 2- Once per Week with the Option to Subscribe to Twice per Week Refuse Collection:
Curbside Once: $11.50 per month
Backdoor Once: $22.00
Curbside Twice:$18.50
Backdoor Twice: $34.00
Free Refuse Cart to all Residents
Alternative 3- Once per Week
Curbside Once: $11.50 per month
Backdoor Once: $22.00
Free Refuse Cart to all Residents
Features of all Alternatives:
· Landscape Waste Bag/Bundle Subscription: $135 per year
· Landscape Waste/Food Scrap 95 gallon Cart: $165 per year
· Landscape Waste/Food Scrap 65 gallon Cart: $150 per year
· Remodeling Waste: $15.00
· Electronics Collection: $30.00
Yard Waste Sticker Alternatives:
· Status Quo: $2.30
· New Proposal: $2.60 with only one sticker required per two leaf bags between 11/1 and 12/15 of each year.
Annual Increase (all Alternatives):
• Chicago MSA CPI, with limits of 1.5% - 3.5%
• Annual landscape waste sticker increases of $0.10
Senior Discount:
· 15% for Alternatives 2 and 3
· 25% for Alternative 1
Additional Services:
Downtown Curbside Recycling Cans
The Village will add thirteen new curbside recycling cans in the Downtown in order to allow patrons easier access to recycling. Currently there are seven recycling cans. Groot’s proposal includes emptying these cans at no additional charge.
Landscape Waste/Food Scrap Cart Program
In the proposed landscape waste/food scrap cart program, residents can subscribe for $150.00/year for a 65-gallon cart, or $165.00/year for a 95-gallon cart. Residents would be able to commingle landscape waste and food scraps in the cart from April 1st to December 15th. This program alleviates the need for landscape waste bags and stickers. In addition, the carts facilitate moving the landscape waste to the curb. If residents have landscape waste that would exceed the capacity of the cart, they would have to use the sticker and bag/bundle method. However, from mid-October through December 15th, cart subscribers would be able to dispose of seven bags/bundles without using the stickers.
Landscape Waste Season Extension/Possible Change
Groot has proposed extending the landscape waste season to December 15. In addition, They have provided an alternative for us to consider from the period of November 1 to December 15th, leaf bags would be pickup with only one sticker per two bags.
Solid Waste Collection at Village Owned Facilities
Groot’s proposal continues to include the collection of solid waste (refuse and recycling) at 15 Village owned facilities at no additional charge.
Downtown Train Station Collection
In the current contract, Groot is billing the Village $2,987 per year for refuse and recycling collected from the businesses operating out of the Downtown train station. The proposal includes collecting the refuse & recycling with no additional charge.
Street Sweepings Collection
Currently, Public Works contracts with Groot separately to have a 6 yd3 dumpster of street sweeping debris collected on a weekly basis. This costs approximately $3,696 per year. The proposal includes weekly collection of the street sweeping debris at no additional charge.
Fall Leaf Pile Collection
Currently, Public Works contracts with a hauling firm to remove leaves collected by the street sweepers in the fall from the Annex. Public Works paid the contractor $18,270 for this service in 2014. The proposal includes the fall leaf pile collection at no additional charge.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Village Board award the Refuse contract to Groot and direct Staff to prepare a renewal agreement based on the terms of their latest proposal.
The issues of choosing a service alternative and determining a 5 year or 10 year agreement can be resolved at Village Board meetings in December based on further research and Board Discussion.