Requested Action
Preliminary Planned Unit Development for a 4-story residential building consisting of 12 residential dwelling units.
Variations Required
1. Land Use Variation from Section 28-5.5-3, Permitted Uses Table, Residential, to allow an Apartment Building or Multiple Family Dwellings.
2. Variation from Section 28-5.1-14.6 from the required combined side yard setback of 30 feet to allow 5.81 feet.
3. Variation from Section 28-5.1-14.6 from the required rear yard setback of 30-feet for residential uses located above the first floor to allow 5 feet.
4. Variation from Section 28-11.2-8 from the required two-way drive aisle width of 24 feet to allow 23.3 feet.
5. Variation from Section 28-11.2-8 from the required 9.0 foot parking stall width to allow one 8.0 foot wide parking stall.
6. Variation from Section 28-11.7, Schedule of Loading Requirements, to waive the required loading berth for the development.
7. Variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(3) Traffic Engineering Approval, to waive the requirement for a traffic study and parking analysis from a Certified Traffic Engineer.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on 11/5/15 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#15-013 (with commercial and no parking garage), a Preliminary Planned Unit Development for 13 E. Miner Street; a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 28-5.1-14.6 from the required combined side yard setback of 30 feet to allow 5.81 feet; a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 28-5.1-14.6 from the required rear yard setback of 30-feet for residential uses located above the first floor to allow 5 feet; a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 28-11.7, Schedule of Loading Requirements, to waive the required loading berth for the development; and a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(3) to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking analysis from a certified traffic engineer.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the conditions detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated October 29, 2015 and the following:
1. Final Planned Unit Development approval shall be required pursuant to Chapter 28, Section 28-9. All required documents, such as but not limited to final engineering plans and construction staging plans and timelines, shall be submitted for review and any additional items pursuant to conditions of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development.
2. The first floor garage shall be eliminated and replaced with commercial space approximately 40 feet in width along the Miner Street frontage and allow for at least 30 feet of depth.
3. The Village shall make available, and the building owner shall purchase, 14 residential permits in the North Municipal Garage on a monthly basis at the applicable monthly permit fee.
4. Residential units are approved as rental apartments. Converting residential units to condominiums shall require an amendment to the Planned Unit Development and compliance with the required parking standards.
5. One affordable housing unit shall be required as follows:
a. One affordable unit shall be maintained as affordable in perpetuity under the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines.
b. With the approval of the Village, the affordability requirements of another local, state or federal affordable housing program, which are consistent with the requirements of the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines, may be temporarily followed with respect to the unit, but at all other times the requirements of the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines shall apply in perpetuity.
c. The owner or the owner's designee shall be responsible for reporting to the Village on a quarterly basis in compliance with the affordable housing requirements utilizing a form prescribed by the Village of Arlington Heights.
6. Compliance with the conditions of the Design Commission motion dated October 27, 2015.
7. Prior to Final Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner shall have signed agreements for relocation of all existing utilities that serve other adjacent buildings that traverse through the 13 East Miner Street site.
8. Prior to the Final Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner shall submit a signed plat of easement for ComEd and any other utility companies requiring said easement.
9. Prior to Final Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner must obtain an executed access easement for ingress and egress to the benefit of the 13 East Miner Street development along the east side of the property located adjacent to the west. This easement shall be in perpetuity and shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide. In addition, there shall be no obstructions within this easement, including such items as gates, fences, and refuse containers.
10. Prior to Final Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner shall pay a fee in lieu of onsite detention, pursuant to the standards established by the Village of Arlington Heights.
11. The Petitioner shall provide a decorative swing gate to screen the Miner Street side of the ComEd equipment located along the west side of the building.
12. The Petitioner shall work with the Village to develop an acceptable construction schedule including a development phasing plan that includes the location of staging areas throughout the development. Any work within the right of way shall be scheduled to minimize disruption to other businesses and patrons of the downtown. All construction traffic shall be limited to pre-approved lanes and locations, to be determined by the Village.
13. Delivery/loading operations shall be restricted as follows: retail stores, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday with no deliveries on Sunday; and the residential, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday with no deliveries on Sunday.
14. Pursuant to Section 29-401 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code, the developer shall make cash contribution in lieu of land for school, park, and library districts.
15. Future tenants of the commercial space shall procure permits from the Village for employee parking in the public parking garage.
16. Compliance with all federal, state, and Village regulations and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Green, Sigalos, Cherwin, Drost, Ennes, Jensen, and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor. Motion carried.