Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution - IDOT Motor Fuel Tax Funds - Street Rehabilitation and Street Reconstruction Program
Department: Engineering/Legal



Attached is the Illinois Department of Transportation Motor Fuel Tax Resolution appropriating funds for the 2016 MFT General Survey and CAD Drafting Services used for the Street Reconstruction and Street Rehabilitation Program.  Funding for this project is provided in the 2015B budget ($30,000) and the 2016 budget ($30,000).   


This procedure is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation in order for the Village of Arlington Heights to access these funds.




It is recommended that the Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code appropriating $60,000 for the 2016 MFT General Survey and CAD Drafting Services be adopted by the Village Board. 


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Engineering ServicesResolution