The Village Board approved the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for Northwest Crossings on June 1, 2015. One condition of approval was that prior to Final Plat approval, the petitioner is to provide a Reciprocal Easement Agreement for shared detention, cross access and utilities. The Agreement has been provided and reviewed by staff and is acceptable.
Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on December 9, 2015 where Commissioner Drost moved and Commissioner Jensen seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of the Final Plat of Subdivision for Northwest Crossings, PC#15-007, subject to the following condition:
1. The reciprocal easement agreement (REA) shall be recorded within 30 days of recording of the final plat of subdivision. If said REA is not recorded within 30 days, then the approval of the final plat shall be deemed null and void.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Drost, Ennes, Green, Jensen, Sigalos, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor. Motion carried.