The Village’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), housed in the basement of the Fire Department Administrative Offices/Fire Station #2, was built and equipped over 10 years ago. As such, its audiovisual system is in need of updating and upgrading. For the last year, Fire Department personnel have been working with AVI SPL to troubleshoot and correct ongoing issues with the Fire Department’s videoconferencing system, which is also over 10 years old.
The Fire Department has a one-year subscription to AVI SPL's virtual meeting room. For no additional cost AVI SPL brought in a team of engineers to diagnose current issues with the videoconferencing equipment, and has worked with Staff to keep the system operating. Data collaboration is severely limited due to the age of the existing videoconferencing system. The Fire Department has plans to replace the videoconferencing system next year and tie it in with the new audiovisual system in the EOC.
The choice of AVI SPL for the EOC project is based on the company’s reputation and more importantly their recent work on our videoconferencing system which has given them the experience to anticipate and meet our needs and integrate both systems successfully. They are also familiar with the Village’s computer systems. AVI SPL has developed expertise in the niche market of EOCs, and has successfully installed and supported systems in EOCs in this area, including the Cook County Department of Homeland Security’s EOC and the EPA’s EOC in Chicago. The company has a local presence to provide quick hands-on service and also has a technical help desk, manned by AVI SPL engineers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
AVI SPL has provided a proposal for $29,360.06. This includes a custom audiovisual system for the EOC, including equipment and integration services and a one-year customer support program, including a full system warranty and 24/7 technical help from the company’s engineers.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive formal bidding procedures and approve the purchase of a custom audiovisual system for the Village’s EOC from AVI SPL for a total cost of $29,360.06, and approve a budget amendment transferring $29,360 from the Capital Fund Contingency account, 401-9901-571.40-96, to 401-3501-572.50-15 (EQ0701). The vendor has been determined to be responsible.