Proposals for Professional Engineering Design and Inspection Services related to the remaining three phases of the Village's multi-year parking garage rehabilitation program were solicited from five qualified engineering firms. All five of these firms possess extensive experience in this type of work and have shown interest in Village parking garage projects in the past. The scope of this engagement includes the preparation of plans and specifications, bid letting and recommendation, and construction inspection of the remaining work on the TIF 2 (North Garage) Floors 1-3, the TIF 1 (Vail Garage) Floors 1-4 and the Evergreen Underground Garage. These three phases as summarized above are scheduled to be completed in 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively as outlined in the 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
Only one proposal was submitted to the Public Works Department. It was from Walker Restoration Consultants with the following proposed costs:
Construction Construction
Scope of Work Year Design Inspections Total
TIF 2 (North)
Floors 1-3 2016 $29,000 $12,600 $41,600
TIF 1 (Vail)
Floors 1-4 2017 $37,200 $16,200 $53,400
Garage 2018 $11,400 $ 3,600 $15,000
Walker Restoration Consultants has previously provided Professional Engineering Services for the Village's parking garage rehabilitation and their performance has been very good. Each year's work is contingent on annual funding and this caveat was covered in the Request for Proposals.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a professional services contract to Walker Restoration Consultants in the amount of $41,600 for Phase 2 (2016), $53,400 for Phase 3 (2017) and $15,000 for Phase 4 (2018). Charges for this engagement shall be made against Account Number 235-7101-571.50-25 (BL-00-06).