Item Coversheet

Item: Professional Services Contract Award - Water and Sewer Improvement Design
Department: Public Works



The approved 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funding in 2016 for the annual Water Main and Sewer Rehab/Replacement Program. These projects are part of the Village's ongoing program to replace and rehabilitate the Village's aging water main and sewer collection systems. The Public Works Department evaluates and prioritizes the water main and sewer pipe replacements based on defect severity, occurrence interval of failures, service reliability and other related parameters. 


Proposals for Professional Engineering Design Services related to the 2016 Water and Sewer System Improvements Program were solicited from three qualified firms which possess extensive experience in this type of design work. The proposal scope of this engagement includes the design for replacement of approximately 5,000 lineal feet of existing water main and field construction inspection and engineering services related to spot repairs of sanitary sewers.


This proposal establishes hourly rates for various engineering disciplines to design and provide construction inspection services for water main replacement, sewer replacement and spot repair, as well as storm sewer repairs. The Village received three proposals which were evaluated based on cost, experience, and the firms understanding and ability to perform the scope of services.  The cost submitted by each firm is summarized as follows:


PROPOSER                                     COST


McClure Engineering                       $32,000

Haeger Engineering                        $49,200

HR Green Engineering                    $59,045


McClure Engineering provided the most comprehensive proposal. They propose to utilize junior personnel with oversight from senior personnel to leverage cost savings for the Village. McClure has used this method of design for the last four years with success on similar design projects.


Because the proposed costs were lower than anticipated, the Village will increase the scope to the $100,000 annual budget to maximize the design work performed and to match the annual budget for construction.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a three-year contract for Water and Sewer Improvement Design to McClure Engineering for the not-to-exceed annual amount of $100,000 and authorize Staff to execute a contract. It is understood that funding for this program is contingent upon the approval of funds each year within the Capital Improvement Plan. The proposer has been determined to be responsible and the submitted proposal addresses all aspects of the required scope of work.




Bid Section

Item:Professional Services Contract Award - Water and Sewer Improvement Design
Bid Opening Date:Proposals opened December 23, 2015
Account Numbers:505-9001-571.50-25 (WA-90-01)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$100,000
Bid Amount:$100,000