Item Coversheet

Item: Municipal Parking Garages - Elevator and Stairwell Cleaning
Department: Public Works



On January 6th, bids were opened for contractual stairwell and elevator cleaning at the Village’s four parking garages (Municipal Garage, Vail Garage, North Garage and Evergreen Garage). Three bids were received as shown on the bid tabulation below:


BIDDER                                                                   PER MONTH TOTAL 


Eco Clean Maintenance, Elmhurst, IL                               $ 3,782.00

Alpha Building Maintenance, Homer Glen, IL                    $ 3,883.63

Perfect Cleaning Services, Chicago, IL                             $ 6,700.00


This is a three-year contract that provides for the twice-a-day cleaning of the four Village Parking Garage's stairwells and elevators.


Reference checks were performed on the lowest bidder, Eco Clean Maintenance.  All references were favorable and Village staff has had favorable experiences with Eco Clean on several of our janitorial contracts.  Staff would therefore recommend the award of this bid for a 3-year contract to Eco Clean Maintenance of Elmhurst, IL. The total budgeted amount for contractual cleaning services for all four parking garages is $65,000 for 2016.




Staff is recommending that the Village Board award the Parking Garage Stairwell and Elevator Cleaning Services bid to the lowest responsible bidder, Eco Clean Maintenance, of Elmhurst, Illinois for a three-year contract in the amount of $3,782 Per Month ($45,384 for Year 1) and authorize staff to execute the appropriate agreements to complete this work.  The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.



Bid Section

Item:Municipal Parking Garage's Stairwell and Elevator Cleaning
Bid Opening Date:January 6, 2016
Account Numbers:235-7301-532-2111 (Municipal Garage), 235-7302-532-2111 (Vail Garage), 235-7303-532-2111 (North Garage), 235-7304-532-2111 (Evergreen Garage)
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:$45,384 (Year 1), $136,152 (3-Year Total)