Item Coversheet

Item: Arlington Heights Promenade - 305-349 E. Rand Rd. - Sign Variation
Department: Planning & Community Development



1. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302a, to allow two ground signs with a separation distance of approximately 225 feet, where 600 feet of separation is required between ground signs on a through lot.


2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-303a, to allow a 12 foot tall ground sign, where zero feet is allowed.


3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-303c, to allow a 48.3 sf ground sign, where zero sf is allowed.




Commissioner Kubow moved and Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded: A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees for the sign variation request for Arlington Heights Promenade located at 305-349 E. Rand Road.  This recommendation is subject to compliance with plans dated 7/31/15 and received 10/12/15, Federal, State and Village codes, regulations, and policies, the issuance of all required permits, and the following:


1. A variation from Chapter 30, Section 30-302a, to allow two ground signs with a separation distance of approximately 225 feet, where 600 feet of separation is required between ground signs on a through lot.


2. A variation from Chapter 30, Section 30-302a, to allow a 12 foot tall ground sign, where zero feet is allowed.


3. A variation from Chapter 30, Section 30-303c, to allow a 48.3 SF ground sign where zero feet is allowed.


4.  A requirement that the existing ground sign facing Rand Road be replaced with a 49 SF code compliant sign to match the new ground sign design, no later than December 31, 2016.


5. A requirement that the petitioner work closely with Staff and follow landscape guidelines.


6. This review deals with architectural design only and should not be construed to be an approval of, or to have any other impact on nor represent any tacit approval or support for the proposed land use or any other zoning and/or land use issues or decisions that stem from zoning, building, signage or any other reviews. In addition to the normal technical review, permit drawings will be reviewed for consistency with the Design Commission and any other Commission or Board approval conditions.  It is the architect/homeowner/builder’s responsibility to comply with the Design Commission approval and ensure that building permit plans comply with all zoning code, building permit and signage requirements.



Commissioner Kubow moved and Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded a motion to amend the motion to add the following:


8. That the petitioner allow each tenant to select their own sign panel design, font and color.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Fitzgerald, Kubow, Fasolo and Chairman Eckhardt voted in favor.  The motion carried.

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