Item Coversheet

Item: Upgrade to Police Surveillance Van
Department: Police Department

The Police Department purchased a surveillance van built by Specialty Vehicle Solutions (SVS) in 2008.  The Department is extremely satisfied with the van’s performance as well as the customer service provided by SVS. The van is used as a covert surveillance platform during high profile investigations, long and/or short term narcotics reconnaissance, prostitution operations, and other police activities to supplement investigative efforts. Normal wear combined with technological advances since 2008 caused the Department to evaluate the efficiency of the camera, computer and HVAC equipment. Additionally, power inverters and batteries used to run the aftermarket electronics are being used beyond their suggested lifecycle.


As the van is utilized in a multitude of law enforcement operations and has proven its value as an investigative tool for this agency, an equipment upgrade is warranted.  An equipment upgrade would include current IP camera technology and incorporate internet access to the system.  An upgrade to the air conditioning system is a necessity.  The current system quickly drains battery life and renders the unit useless during hot weather.  


Criminal Investigation Funds (Asset Forfeiture) has budgeted $55,000 in 231-3003-511-4011 to be used to pay for this upgrade.



It is recommended that the Village Board waive formal competitive bidding and authorize a technology and hardware upgrade for the surveillance van in the amount of $48,021 to Specialty Vehicle Solutions - Trenton, New Jersey.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: