Northwest Central Dispatch (NWCD) is initiating a new program to allow for the sharing of a Joint Emergency Management Coordinator. This program is allowing us to eliminate the three quarter time Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator position in the Fire Department and facilitate greater intergovernmental cooperation.
This agreement has been reviewed by Village and NWCD legal. The annual cost of the program will be $166,612 spread over the ten participating communities. The Village’s share will be $16,661 per year. The Village’s annual savings from this change will be $79,000. A budget amendment will also be needed to facilitate this change.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a Resolution approving an agreement with the Northwest Central Dispatch System for participation in the Joint Emergency Management Service Program. It is also recommended that a budget amendment be approved to transfer $16,661 from the Fire Department's Salary Account to account #101-3501-512.20-37 (Central Dispatch).