Item Coversheet

Item: Professional Engineering Services for a Construction Engineering Inspector for the 2016 Street Construction & Street Resurfacing Program
Department: Engineering



The funding for the annual street reconstruction and street resurfacing program has increased by four million dollars, which has nearly doubled the size of both programs.  With this increased workload, it is necessary to obtain a temporary Construction Engineering Inspector to assist Staff with field inspections to ensure compliance with contract specifications. As typical with the annual street reconstruction and street resurfacing program, the Engineering Department will be the Resident Construction Supervisor for both projects.


Request for Proposals were submitted on February 5, 2016.  After careful review, the Engineering Department is recommending HLR, Inc. for Construction Engineer Inspector. The selected personnel from HLR, Inc. successfully performed these services for the Village for the 2015 MFT/STP Nichols Road and Walnut Avenue Pavement Reconstruction Project. Additionally, he is a Registered Professional Engineer while the other candidates are not. 


The estimated cost was calculated by determining the total straight time hours (8 hour working days) from June 2016 to November 2016.  The overtime hours were estimated by evaluating the overtime hours used in the 2015 Construction season with a 50% increase due to the increase in project size.


Funding is included in the current budget under account #101-5001-524-20-05.




Staff is recommending that the Village Board authorize execution of an agreement with HLR, Inc in the amount not to exceed $100,000 for Construction Engineering Services. 

Bid Section

Item:Professional Engineering Services for a Construction Engineering Inspector for the 2016 Street Const
Bid Opening Date:February 5, 2016
Account Numbers:101-5001-524-20-05
Total Budget for Specific Item:$100,000
Bid Amount:$100,000 (not to exceed)
Construction Engineering Inspector Proposal TallyAgreement