The Village owns and operates 15 elevators located throughout the municipal buildings and garages. The elevators are professionally maintained by contract with Mid-America Elevator.
On December 21, 2015, the Mayor and Village Board approved a contract with Great Lakes Elevator to replace a failed cylinder in the southeast elevator of the Village's North Garage. During construction, it was determined that the original casement only went 10 feet beneath the elevator floor and did not extend the full depth of 30 feet. When the piston was removed, the walls of the hole beneath the casement collapsed, making replacement impossible. The contractor immediately sought proposals from qualified vendors capable of drilling a hole inside the existing elevator shaft and replacing the existing casing. There are very few vendors with the specialty equipment and experience needed to perform this work. The following two proposals were received through the contractor:
Windy City Drilling $24,648
United Drilling $28,426
The Village's elevator consultant reviewed the proposals and deemed Windy City Drilling as the lowest responsible subcontractor. Per a memorandum dated January 28th, 2016, the emergency work was authorized and the work has been completed. Since this emergency work is part of an existing project, the payment to the subcontractor will be considered an extra to Great Lakes Elevator's original contract.
Staff recommends approving the Change Order to Great Lakes Elevator for the drilling of a new casement pipe for the replacement cylinder. This is an unbudgeted item. There are funds available in the Parking Structure Maintenance & Repair Account 235-7101-571.50-25 (BL 0006) to accommodate this repair.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding requirements and award Change Order #1 for emergency repair work to Great Lakes Elevator of Park Ridge, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $24,648.