The approved Calendar Year 2016 Capital Improvement Program includes funding for the refurbishment of Well #11. This project is part of the Village’s ongoing program to rehabilitate its potable water wells for continued use as emergency backup water sources if the Lake Michigan water source is ever interrupted. Well #11 has exhibited diminished output and needs attention to return it back into normal service. The rehabilitation of Well #11 will conclude the rehabilitation of all emergency wells that has taken place over the last ten years.
Bid specifications were prepared and publicly advertised. At the bid opening on January 28th, four bids were received for the rehabilitation work as shown on the bid tabulation below:
Municipal Well & Pump $248,840.00
Water Well Solutions $255,863.50
Layne Christensen Company $258,265.00
Great Lakes Water $259,678.00
Staff has checked references for the low bidder Municipal Well & Pump and all responses were favorable. Municipal Well & Pump performed work of similar nature to Well #12 within the last two years satisfactorily for the Village of Arlington Heights.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the contract for the Rehabilitation and Repair of Well #11 in the amount of $248,840.00 to the lowest responsible bidder, Municipal Well & Pump of Waupun, Wisconsin. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications. This item was budgeted this year in the Water Fund at $291,700.