In August 2012, Staff reported to the Design Commission that sign code regulations are required to have an ‘Intent and Purpose’ section, similar to a zoning code, which the Village’s sign code is currently lacking. At that time, Staff presented a proposed code amendment to add Section 30-100, Intent and Purpose, to the sign code, and it was unanimously supported by the Design Commission. At that time, the intent was that this section would be presented along with other sign code changes. However, due to staffing changes and workload, the proposed code amendment has not been codified.
Due to the fact that we now have several other code changes for consideration, Staff is requesting that the Design Commission re-review the proposed Intent and Purpose code section to re-validate support of this proposed amendment.
A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on February 23, 2016 where Commissioner Bombick moved and Commissioner Kubow seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees to amend the sign code to add Chapter 30, Section 30-100, 'Intent and Purpose', as outlined in the Staff memo dated August 23, 2012, with the following revisions:
1. ITEM 3: ‘To enhance the physical appearance of the Village by preserving the scenic and natural beauty of the area, while recognizing evolving trends in graphic design and technology in signage’.
2. ITEM 4: ‘To enhance the overall improvement of major thoroughfares and intersections through well designed signage’.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Bombick, Fitzgerald, Kubow, Fasolo and Chairman Eckhardt voted in favor. The motion carried.