Item Coversheet

Item: Sign Code Modifications - Manual Change Bulletin Boards/Changeable Panel Signs - DC#15-157
Department: Planning & Community Development



Recently, the Village received an inquiry about installing a ground sign that would include both a permanent business identification sign panel and a printed, changeable product advertisement sign panel. In 2010, the Sign Code was amended to add a definition for Manual Change Bulletin Boards and to establish design considerations for manual change bulletin boards. At that time, the type of manual change bulletin board envisioned was the traditional type of manual change bulletin board that involves the changing of individual letters affixed to a background.  Printed, changeable product advertisement sign panels were not envisioned.  


Additionally, the Sign Code does not currently regulate the maximum sizes or the proportions of manual change bulletin boards incorporated into ground, monument or wall signs in the Business (B), Manufacturing (M), and Institutional (I) districts.




A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on February 23, 2016 were Commissioner Bombick moved and Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees for sign code modifications to Chapter 30, Section 30-101, Section 30-305 'Manual Change Bulletin Boards for Ground Signs', as outlined in Attachment 1 dated January 26, 2016, with the following revision:


1. Change 50 percent to 33 percent.


2. Omit "or exceed the maximum of 30 square feet, whichever is less".


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioner Bombick, Fitzgerald, Fasolo, Kubow and Chairman Eckhardt voted in favor.  The motion carried.




A public meeting was held by the Design Commission on February 23, 2016 where Commissioner Bombick moved and Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees for sign code modifications to Chapter 30, Section 30-405, 'Manual Change Bulletin Boards for Wall Signs' as outlined in Attachment 1 dated January 26, 2016, with the following revision:


1. Change 50 percent to 33 percent.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioner Bombick, Fitzgerald, Fasolo, Kubow and Chairman Eckhardt voted in favor.  The motion carried.

Bid Section

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Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
DC Minutes 2/23/16 DRAFTMinutes
Attachment 1 - Proposed Chapter 30 Text AmendmentsExhibits
Attachment II - Examples of Changeable Panel SignsExhibits