This is the first of two public hearings concerning a proposed Substantial Amendment to the Village’s 2015 – 2019 Consolidated Plan. Most of the proposed actions explained in the Substantial Amendment are related to the change in the Village’s Consolidated Plan/CDBG fiscal and program year resulting from the Village’s decision to join the Cook County Consortium. The Substantial Amendment also includes a budget change recommended by the Village’s Housing Commission to reallocate $20,000 from the 2015/2016 budget from the Single Family Rehab Program to the 2015/2016 budget for the Group Home and Transitional Housing Program.
The March 7, 2016 public hearing will be followed by a 30-day public comment period. A second public hearing and Village Board action on the Substantial Amendment are scheduled for April 18, 2016.
No Village Board action is required on March 7, 2016 other than the holding of the public hearing.