Item Coversheet

Item: Heart's Place - 120-122 E. Boeger Dr. - Early Review
Department: Planning & Community Development



Up Development has indicated that they have the property under control in order to proceed with a Plan Commission application. The proposal includes 16 apartment units for Permanent Supportive Housing serving persons with disabilities. Supportive services on site would include providing life skills, employment support, and case management. More information can be found in the attached “Heart’s Place Narrative”. The petitioner has indicated that they will meet or exceed the Village’s Affordable Housing Guidelines (see attached “Affordability and Project Rental Rates”).


Previously in 2010, Boeger Place, a 30 unit development which required several variations including density and parking, was denied by the Board.


Current Request


16, 2 bedroom residential units for Permanent Supportive Housing in a 2 floor building with 33 parking spaces.




It is recommended that the Village Board evaluate the conceptual site plan and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed development.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Staff Memo 3/3/16Memorandum
Request for Early Review Letter Correspondence
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Project Rental Rates & AffordablilityCorrespondence