The following information is an update to the public meetings held on January 20, 2016 with CDM Smith and February 3, 2016 with Christopher Burke that summarized the findings of the two study areas, the Combined Sewer Tributary Area (CSTA) and the separate sewer area.
Both consultants presented the results in a concise and understandable format that was useful for the residents. The presenters, Dan Lau with CDM Smith and Thomas Burke from Christopher Burke, provided information that explained the challenges encountered during the analysis of the sewer systems. The CSTA model was more complicated than the separated sewer areas due to the various restricted flows and interconnections throughout the system. This more complicated model was also more difficult and time consuming to calibrate to effectively mirror our existing system. Staff had to verify flow depths at specific locations during heavy rains. Both consultants also discussed the rainfall data and how each model used the most critical intensities to best represent rainfall events.
The meeting format was extremely beneficial for residential feedback. The small breakout groups allowed for a more informal atmosphere where residents felt comfortable providing their insightful experience to both the Village and the consultants. A number of residents brought up issues that will be discussed with both consultants prior to the completion of the final report.
A total of 60 residents attended the two public meetings, approximately 30 at each meeting. The break-out format worked extremely well and the interaction with residents was positive. Staff is reviewing the input from residents and will work with both consultants and make a final set of edits to both the CDM Smith and Christopher Burke reports. Residents who were unable to attend the meeting are able to view the presentation portions of the meeting on cable access and the Village website. Staff is working on a project website for the Stormwater Discussion that will include the executive summary of the report and project updates as they occur. This project website should be up and running sometime next week. Final reports will be issued by the consultants once the final edits are discussed.
Staff is currently evaluating various ways to measure the cost-benefits of the various improvements identified as well as possible funding sources that could realistically be utilized and their impacts.
The next meeting, which will be scheduled late this spring, will summarize all the problem areas addressed in both reports along with the previously studied areas of Grove Street and Cypress Street. In addition to total costs, Staff will be presenting some preliminary thoughts on how to evaluate the projects for cost-effectiveness and possible funding scenarios and their impacts on tax payers. The focus of the meeting will be to obtain further direction from the Village Board for the next phase.