Residential inquiries along two local residential streets have been received asking if the currently unposted speed limits, could be reviewed with the possibility to lower this statutory 30 mph speed limit to 25 mph.
In the neighborhood north of Recreation Park, the speed limits within this area are already predominately set to a lower speed limit. However, the segment of Hickory Avenue between Miner Street and Euclid Avenue was not finished at the same time as the rest of the streets in the neighborhood to comply under the ordinance that set the limits for the rest of the area.
For the request to lower the speed limit along Race Avenue between Clarendon Street and Chicago Avenue, the curvature of the roadway for motorists coming off of Chicago Ave to get to this segment of the street was cited as grounds to review the current speed limit conditions.
Speed surveys taken along both streets verified that reduction to a lower limit was feasible, and the Engineering Department would recommend adjusting the existing speed limits.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve an Ordinance establishing 25 mph speed limits on Race Avenue between Clarendon Street and Chicago Avenue and on Hickory Avenue between Miner Street and Euclid Avenue.