The FY16 Public Works Operating Budget includes $550,000 for the purchase of sodium chloride used in the Village's Snow & Ice Control Program. This year, Staff has again split our anticipated salt needs over two contracts.
One contract will be in cooperation with the State Office of Central Management Services (CMS) and the other will be an independent bid. Staff began this method of splitting our salt purchases after a salt shortage, in order to spread our risk and have two vendors under contract.
On April 7, 2016, the Village held a public bid opening where the following bids were opened and read aloud:
Vendor Unit Price Alternate #1
Compass Minerals Overland Park, KS $64.80/ton $64.80/ton
Detroit Salt Co. Detroit, MI $68.88/ton $70.88/ton
Morton Salt Chicago, IL $79.57/ton $79.57/ton
Cargill North Olmsted, OH $83.79/ton $83.79/ton
The base bid was for delivery on or before 12/3/16 and used to fill the Village's dome before the season. Alternate #1 is used for additional salt deliveries as needed after 12/3/16.
Compass Minerals of Overland Park, KS was the lowest responsible bidder at $64.80/ton of road salt.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to Compass Minerals of Overland Park, Kansas at the above prices, with the understanding that the total amount expended for Road Salt from all vendors will not exceed the budgeted amount of $550,000 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.