Item Coversheet

Item: Animal Control Replacement Truck - Police Department
Department: Public Works



The FY16 Budget includes $29,500 for the replacement of an animal control van used by the Police Department. The current vehicle is a 2006 Ford E150 van and has been deemed in need of replacement by the Fleet Unit. The Police Department has re-designed the position with a Public Service Officer (PSO) that will fulfill several other duties. The new assignments will be better served with a pickup truck and therefore Staff is proposing the purchase of a F150 pickup truck.


The proposed purchase of the F150 pickup truck is through the State of Illinois Office of Central Management Services (CMS).  CMS manages several joint purchasing bids for local municipalities throughout Illinois.


Wright Automotive of Hillsboro, IL is this year's winning bidder.  The Village has worked with Wright Automotive in the past and found them to be acceptable.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the vehicle replacement to Wright Automotive of Hillsboro, Illinois in an amount not-to-exceed $29,104 for the purchase of a F150 pickup truck for the Police Department and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.



Bid Section

Item:Animal Control Replacement Truck - Police Department
Bid Opening Date:State of Illinois Control Management Services
Account Numbers:621-9003-572.50-05 (VH 9503)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$29,500
Bid Amount:$29,104