The Village Board authorized the preparation of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select a Construction Management firm which specializes in Police Station and Law Enforcement construction. The objective is to hire a qualified Construction Management firm to be involved in the preconstruction phase as well as mange the construction and project closeout.
In December, the Village issued a Request for Proposals to Construction Management firms specializing in Police Station and Law Enforcement facilities. At the end of January, the Village received 10 responses to the Request for Proposals. In February, the Village Board approved the selection of Legat Architects who teamed with McClaren Wilson Lawrie, Inc. as the architects to design the new Police Station. Securing a qualified Construction Management firm early in the design process is critical to ensuring the success of this project.
Fee proposals from the 10 firms initially submitting to the Request for Proposals ranged from almost $1.3 million to almost $3 million; and the construction time period to build the building ranged from 12 months to 22 months. Fees of three finalists ranged from $1.7 million to $2 million. Riley Construction's fee based upon 16 month construction time period and a construction only cost of $27,984,735 is $1,737,135.
In January the Village Board approved a $35 million bond for the Police Station project. A September 2015 feasibility study estimated the “construction only” cost of the Police Station at $27,984,735. Construction Management fees are part on the construction cost, and will be funded from Project Account BL-16-10, Account Number: 431-9013-571.50-52.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve entering into a contract with Riley Construction and authorize the Village Manager to execute into a contract to be funded from Project Account BL-16-10, Account Number: 431-9013-571.50-52.