Item Coversheet

Item: Garage Sweeper / Scrubber
Department: Public Works



The FY16 Fiscal Budget includes the replacement of a 2001 Lincoln Sweeper in the Parking Fund that is utilized by Public Works.  The sweeper is one of the two main machines used in cleaning the four Village-owned Parking Garages and the Public Works Garage.  The current machine is 15 years old and has outlived its useful life.  The Fleet Services Unit of Public Works has inspected the current sweeper and recommends replacement. If this replacement request is approved, we will sell the existing unit as surplus.


The new sweeper is a hybrid machine utilizing both propane and electricity.  Staff had the opportunity to operate this unit and was very pleased with its performance.  Due to the electrical components, the new machine will produce less fumes and run quieter.


Helping Governments Across the Country (HGAC) offers a Joint Purchasing Program (similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference) for the proposed sweeper, and offers bidding services to local municipalities. Nilfisk-Advance has the contract through HGAC.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of a Nilfisk-Advance Model CS7000 48 LP Hybrid EcoFlex Sweeper/Scrubber in an amount not-to-exceed $50,857.40.

Bid Section

Item:Garage Sweeper / Scrubber
Bid Opening Date:Joint Purchasing Program
Account Numbers:621-9003-572.50-05 (VH 9508)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$75,000
Bid Amount:$50,875.40